2 Peter 1 :21
‘holy men’ is the 1 made into a man in a ‘hole’ because ‘holy’ means to be dead to self & alive to God.
Also, ‘holy’ sounds like ‘hole.’
‘of God’ you can think of the 1 pointing up to ‘God.’
‘spake’ is the voice lines by the man's mouth.
‘as they were moved by the Holy Ghost’ is the fire for the ‘Holy Ghost’ because the ‘Holy Ghost' was seen as tongues of fire at Pentecost. It is coming out of the hole & ‘moving’ the man.
To remember this is in 2 Peter, you can think that the 2 stones came out of the ground to make the 2 ‘holes’ for the ‘holy men’ & the ‘Holy Ghost.’
For verse :21 a royal blue ‘2’ is made on the side of the 1st green stone & a royal blue ‘1’ is made out of the man in the hole.
So we can trust the Bible to be the words of God so that we will know what God thinks & know Him because John 17 says, this is life eternal to know God & His Son Jesus.
2 Peter 1 :20
‘no’ is the ‘not’ diagonal line across the equal sign.
‘prophecy’ is the caption sign with the first 2 Peter icon stone. Since ‘prophecy’ is what is told about the future, you can think the man made into a 1 is telling the ‘prophecy.’
‘of the scriptures’ is the open Bible in his hand.
‘is of any private’ is denoted with the man pointing to his head, thinking his own thoughts.
‘interpretation’ is denoted by him voicing them in the caption sign made out of the other 2 Peter icon stone.
For verse :20 a royal blue ‘2’ is made on the side of the 1st green stone & a royal blue ‘0’ is made out of the 2nd green stone.
So, we cannot think for instance that the mark of the beast is our driver’s license number. The Bible says it is not our own ‘private interpretation,’ or what we might have an idea that it is.
We have to look at what the scriptures give as the qualifications & then look at history to find where the evidence leads to the answer.
Isaiah 28:13
‘But the word’ is the mouth at the top of the 2.
‘of the Lord’ you can think of as the angel with the voice lines.
‘was unto them’ is the man at the bottom of the 2 on the rock.
‘precept upon precept’ is the 8 made into a ladder making steps with the 10 commandments, for ‘precept,’ in the top circle & the Bible, for the other ‘precept,’ in the bottom circle that are 1 ‘upon‘ another for ‘upon.‘
‘line upon line’ is portrayed with the 'lines' of the steps for ‘line’ & the ‘lines‘ of the commandments for the other ‘line,’ going up step by step also & 1 ‘upon' the other for ‘upon.’
‘here a little’ you can think of the ground down at the bottom of the ladder.‘
‘& there a little’ is up at the top of the ladder.
For verse :28 a royal blue ‘1’ is made on the left side of the ladder & a royal blue ‘3’ is made on the right side of the ladder on the 8.
So the Bible tells us how to learn & understand the word of God. We are to take 1 topic & see what is said about it in other writings in the Bible. If we find a verse that does not agree with all the rest of the Bible, we have to investigate it more till we see how it blends with the rest. We cannot take a verse & make a doctrine out of it if it does not line up with the rest of the Bible. That is why the Bible gives us this instruction of how to understand God’s word when it says it ‘was unto them precept upon precept, line upon line, here a little & there a little.‘
Isaiah 8:20
‘To the law’ is illustrated with the 10 commandments for ‘the law’ at the top of the 8 in the Isaiah icon. A black ‘T' is put in front of the top circle of the 8 to make the word ‘To’ for ‘To the law’‘
‘& to the testimony’ is represented with the Bible for ‘the testimony’ at the bottom of the 8. A light gray ‘t‘ is put in front of the bottom circle of the 8 to make the word ‘to’ for ‘to the testimony.’
‘if they speak’ is symbolized with the top circle of an 8 in this Isaiah icon made into a mouth.
‘not according to this’ is designated with the 10 commandments & the Bible in the 1st Isaiah icon.
‘word’ is the bottom circle of the 8 made into another mouth.
‘it is because’ you can think of the mind of the bottom angel.
‘there is no’ is the red stop light you can think is the light that tells you ‘no,’ you cannot go, you have to stop. The ‘o‘ in the word ‘no’ you can think of as the top of an 8 & the red light as the bottom of the 8.
‘light in them’ is the yellow & green lights that are also ‘in’ the Isaiah icon. You can think these bottom 2 lights can go together to make an 8 shape to emphasize this is Isaiah 8.
For verse :20 a royal blue ‘2’ is made on the side of the 2nd Isaiah angel with an arrow pointing to the 3rd angel’s mind to reinforce the verse ‘it is because’ & a royal blue ‘0’ is made around the red stop light to reinforce the idea that there is NO light in them.
We are told here that ‘the law & the testimony’ in God’s word is how we should test all doctrines & principles. In other words, ‘the law & the testimony’ are solid as rock & unchangeable & that if anybody ‘speaks’ contrary & differently than the Bible & the 10 commandments, they are in darkness as to the truth of God’s word. ‘There is no light in them’ or their words & laws.
Luke 16:17
‘And it is easier’ you can think of the Luke icon man to symbolize how easy it would be for a man to make the heavens & earth move or pass away.
‘for heaven’ is the cloud drawn at the bottom of the 1.
‘& earth’ is the earth at the bottom of the 6.
‘to pass’ is the tops of the 1 & 6 made into arrows for the heaven & earth to pass away, across the sky.
‘than 1 tittle’ is portrayed with a number 1 for ‘1’ & a little mark made out of a 6 to illustrate ‘tittle.’
‘of the law to fail’ is displayed with the 10 commandments in the bottom of a 6 for the law failing & going down.
‘to fail’ also is a 1 made into an arrow pointing down to represent the law at the bottom of the 6 ‘to fail’ or end.
For verse :17 a royal blue ‘1’ is made on the 1 for 1 tittle & a royal blue ‘7’ is drawn on the arrow point down.
This is an amazing statement Jesus says here. ‘Fail’ means to stop functioning, to lose strength, to fade or die away. It would take a lot of power to get heaven & earth to go away. God is saying that it would take a lot more power than this to get his laws to go away, stop functioning, or lose their strength. In other words, God’s laws are very sound, strong & unmovable.
Psalm 89:34
‘My covenant’ is illustrated with an 8 made at the top curves of the 10 commandments, to represent ‘God’s covenant.’
‘will I not break’ is the psalm note you can think of as a hammer not touching or harming the commandments.
‘nor alter’ is reflected with the psalm note like it is a pin or pencil not touching the lips drawn at the top of the 9.
‘the thing that is gone out of my lips’ is the bottom of the 9 making an arrow ‘going’ from the ‘lips' & pointing to the 10 commandments in the 8.
For verse :34 a royal blue ‘3’ is made on the right side of the 8 which is the top of the commandment covenant & a royal blue ‘4’ is made out of the bottom lip at the top of the 9.
Deuteronomy 4:13
‘And he declared’ is symbolized by the man with the voice lines on the left side of a large 4 to represent ‘God’ speaking & ‘declaring.’
‘unto you’ is the man & a woman on the right side of the large 4.
‘his covenant’ is represented with the Deuteronomy icon open book.
‘which he commanded’ is displayed with the voice lines, again.
(Since this verse uses both ‘declare' and ‘commanded,’ for the voice lines, you can think that the ‘Deuteronomy’ icon looks like a capital ‘D’ & has the ‘d’ sound for ‘declare’ which comes 1st & ‘commanded’ is the 2nd word represented with the voice lines that you can think of the top of the commandments making a ‘c’ & begins the same as ‘commandments’ for ‘commanded.’ It is also right beside the Deuteronomy icon to remember the ‘D’ in ‘Deuteronomy’ for ‘declared’ & the ‘c' in ‘commandments’ for ‘commanded.’ There are also 3 ‘c’ words — ‘covenant, commanded & commandments’ you can also think are together & they come after the ‘d’ word ‘declared.’ So after you say the ‘d’ word ‘declared,’ then comes the 3 ‘c’ words, ‘covenant, commanded, & commandments.’)
‘you to perform, even 10 commandments’ is represented with the 4 made into arms that you can think they are going to do the 10 commandments drawn in the middle of the 4. Since God’s covenant is the 10 commandments that we have to obey for our side of the covenant, an equal sign is drawn between the covenant and the 10 commandments to illustrate, the covenant equals us ‘performing' the 10 commandments.
‘& he wrote them’ is portrayed with the hand made into the shape of a 4 with the pointer finger for the bottom of the 4.
‘upon two tables of stone’ are the 2 tables of stone made in a 4 placed under the finger.
For verse :13 a royal blue ‘1’ is made on the right side of the large 4, on the man & lady, & a royal blue 3 is drawn on the top of the commandment stones.
God wrote the 10 commandments on 2 tables of stone with His own finger, which is the object lesson that they are like rock, solid, unmovable & unchangeable.
Exodus 20:1
The Exodus icon is placed on the sides of the 20, for Exodus 20, that you can think of as Mount Sinai that God came down & spoke the 10 commandments from, that was altogether on a smoke, with the curved waves representing the smoke going out.
‘And God spake’ is made into lips at the top of the 2 that you can think of for ‘speaking’ the 1st table & lips at the bottom of the 2 for ‘speaking’ the 2nd table.
‘all these words’ is represented with a zero like it is holding ‘all the 10 commandment words,’ illustrated here with a picture & a few words of each. You can also think of the zero as making an ‘a’ for ‘all’ these words.
‘saying’ is the top of the 1st commandment picture of God made into a 1 that is enlarged to the right, to see the voice lines, to demonstrate God ‘saying’ the 10 commandments.
For verse :1 a royal blue ‘1’ is made on the enlarged 1st commandment picture of God.
So, ‘God actually spoke the 10 commandments,’ which we learned that God cannot break or altar what has gone out of His lips.
Malachi 3:6
‘For I am the Lord’ is symbolized with a 3 made into a cloud with a man standing in it to represent the ‘Lord.’ You can think that the man makes the shape of an ‘I’ for ‘I’ & an ‘L’ for ‘Lord.’
‘I change’ is denoted with the Lord making an ‘I’ shape again for ‘I’ & a 3 on top of the Malachi jewel, you can think of the 3 as ‘changing’ one’s mind, going up for saying ‘yes’ & then going down for when we ‘change’ our minds & say ‘no.’ ‘change’ starts with a ‘c’ so you can think that the 3 makes backward ‘c’s for ‘change not.’ You can also think that ‘change’ is a term we use for money & the 3 is in the shape of 2 coins, like loose ‘change,’ for ’change.’
‘not’ is the ‘not’ sign going across the changing 3. You can think of the 3 standing on the Malachi jewel, like it is a pedestal showing the way God is, that He does ‘not’ change His mind.
The jewel is green because Malachi 3 talks about money; like gold, silver, wages, tithes, offerings, opening the windows of heaven & pouring out a blessing & jewels. Since our dollar bills are green, the jewel is also green to remember Malachi 3 is about money.
For verse :6 a royal blue ‘6’ is made on the top of the not sign & the bottom of the changing 3.
God does ‘not’ need to ‘change’ His mind because He is perfect & makes the right laws & commands from the beginning, they would ‘never’ need to be ‘changed.’
Psalm 111:7 & :8
‘all’ you can think also tells you the 1st 2 numbers of the chapter with the 2 L’s to think of the 2 1’s in psalm 111 & when you say ‘all’ it almost sounds like Psalms, so when you say ‘all’ you can think of Psalms 111. And on the picture you can think of the 'a' & the 1st 2 1’s to look like the word ‘all.’
‘his’ you can think of as the psalm note to represent God.
‘commandments’ are the 10 ‘commandment’ stones drawn in the large 111.
‘are sure’ is the 3 small psalm notes on the right, you can also think of as making an 111 with the 3 lines, to think there is not just 1 of them but 3, for ‘Are you sure? Yes, I’m sure’.
‘They stand fast’ is demonstrated with the 3 men ‘standing fast’ on the sides of the commandment stones.
‘for ever & ever' are the 2 cursive e’s for ‘ever & ever,’ put together with an arrow going up.
For verse :7 & :8 a royal blue ‘7’ is made on the 1st of the 3 sure psalm notes for verse 7, & an ‘8’ is made on the ‘e’ for ever & ever circles for verse 8.
‘Stand fast’ means: to firmly remain in the same position or keep the same opinion. This is telling us that God’s commandments will remain the same & keep the same opinion, even the 4th commandment to remember the 7th day Sabbath. If you look at the principles of the whole Bible, like God tells us to learn, precept upon precept, line upon line, this idea that God’s 10 commandments will not change, runs firmly throughout, even though some people may try to change them.
Hebrews 10:16
‘This is the covenant’ is illustrated starting at the right with the 10 commandment ‘covenant’ in the zero.
‘that I will make’ is the hands to represent God’s hands ‘making’ the covenant.
‘with them’ is the man in the 1.
‘I will put’ is illustrated with the hands, again.
‘my laws in their hearts,’ again, is the commandments drawn in the ‘heart’ made out of the zero.
‘& in their minds will I write’ is represented with the man’s ‘mind’ with the pencil that makes the shape of a 1 on top of it & the Hebrews icon cross represents Jesus ‘writing them in our minds.’
‘them’ is the commandments in the zero, again.
Another clue you can think of is to think that the place that God tells us in the New Testament to keep his 10-commandment covenant law is in Hebrews 10. 10 & 10.
For verse :16 a royal blue ‘1’ is made on the left side of the altar & a royal blue 6 is made on the right side of the altar. The phrase ‘new’ covenant is actually mentioned in Hebrew 8:8, & then Hebrew 8:10 says the covenant in reverse order of this verse. ‘I will put my laws into their mind & write them in their hearts’ You can remember these numbers when you think 8+8=16, & the 10’s are the same with them crossing over with the arrows. Hebrews 10, with this picture is used because it is more memorable with the pencil making a 1 for writing them in our minds & a zero making a heart with the commandments in them.
The new ‘covenant’ that God makes with His people is not a change in the law, that cannot change, but where He ‘put the law’ is changed, not on tables of stone, but in our ‘hearts’ & ‘minds’ because Jesus died on the cross which breaks our ‘hearts.’
Isaiah 66:23
The scripture right before this verse says, ‘For as the new heavens & the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before me, saith the Lord’ so a 6 made into a cloud at the bottom to represent the new heaven & a 6 made into an earth at the bottom to represent the new earth placed in parentheses to remember this next verse is about the new heaven & new earth. Then God says this verse so we can understand that the sabbath will be kept in the new heaven & new earth.
‘And it shall come to pass’ you can think of ‘passing’ by the moons, the suns, & the angel.
‘that from one new moon’ is represented with the top of the 6 as a number 1 for ‘1 new moon’ with a moon drawn at the bottom of the 6.
‘to another’ is the top of the next 6 going down to the moon made at the bottom.
‘& from one sabbath’ is represented with the top of the 6 as a number 1 & a sun to represent ‘sabbath’ is drawn at the bottom.
‘to another’ is the top of the next 6 going down to the sun drawn at the bottom.
‘shall all flesh’ is denoted with the 6’s made into men.
‘come to worship’ is illustrated with the men drawn kneeling down.
‘before me, saith the Lord’ is the angel with the voice lines that you can think of as the ‘Lord saying’ this verse.
For verse :23 a royal blue ‘2’ is made connecting the 1 sabbath sun to the other sabbath sun, & a royal blue ‘3’ is made on the bottom of the 6’s that are drawn into worshippers.
So God’s ‘Sabbath’ will continue even after God makes the new heaven & new earth because we will still be worshipping God on the ‘Sabbath’ in heaven, so we know from creation to heaven, God’s law is continuing with no break or pause in the law to worship on the ‘7th day Sabbath.’
Daniel 7:25
The 4 beasts are in Daniel 7. Going across like you are reading they are 1st the lion, which is Babylon, 2nd the bear, which is Medo-Persia, 3rd the leopard, which is Greece, & 4th the dreadful, which is Rome. They are drawn at the top of the 7 & with the bottom of a 7, it makes a 4 with the lines of the ‘L’s & the lines on the ‘B’ & ‘D.’
This verse is about the ruler of this 4th beast, who goes to the end of time, & what he does.
‘And he shall speak’ is illustrated with the man standing on the bottom of the 7 with the caption sign for him ‘speaking.’
‘great words’ are ‘words’ written in large letters.
‘against the most High’ you can think of the crown up at the ‘highest’ part of the 7 to represent God.
These 2 phrases make 7 shapes for Daniel 7, going from bottom to top.
‘& shall wear out’ is symbolized with the cords the man is holding.
‘the saints’ are the cords making 2 ’s’ shapes for the ’s’ at the beginning & at the end of ‘saints.’
‘of the most High’ again, you can think of the crown up at the highest part of the 7 to represent God.
These 2 phrases will also make 7 shapes for Daniel 7, going from bottom to top.
‘& think’ is demonstrated with the mind of the man.
‘to change times’ you can think of the Daniel icon parchment paper that says ‘change’ & the watch on the man’s wrist for ‘times.
’& laws’ you can think of the Daniel icon parchment paper where people write down ‘laws.’
This phrase ‘thinks to change times’ make a 7 shape for Daniel 7, going from top to bottom. And ‘laws’ makes a 7 shape also for the top & side of the parchment paper & pen.
‘& they shall be given into his hand’ is illustrated with the open ‘hand’ of the man that they are ‘given into.’
‘until a time & times & the dividing of time’ is the watch on his wrist for ‘a time,’ 2 more watches are drawn to represent ‘times’ & a watch is ‘divided’ down at the bottom, with the line making a ‘dividing’ symbol, to depict ‘dividing of time.’ This phrase also makes the shape of a 7.
For verse :25 a royal blue ‘2’ is made out of the man holding the cords & a royal blue ‘5’ is made out of the top & left side of the Daniel icon parchment paper & the time watches & curve of the man’s hand to remember verse 25. The math equation 7=2+5 can also help you remember this is Daniel 7 verse 25.
This prophecy stands out that a kingdom will ‘think to change’ the only ‘law’ of the 10 commandments that deals with ‘time,’ the 7th day Sabbath. God’s people will check ‘to the law & to the testimony, if they speak not according to this word it is because there is no light in them,’ & stand up for God’s 7th Day Sabbath law.
This is the 3 & 1/2 years or 1260 years that this dreadful beast ‘wore out the saints of the most High.’ Here is an example where we cannot have our own private interpretation of who the beast is but see who the historical records show ‘wore out the saints of the most High’ for 1,260 years.
Daniel 7:17
‘These great beasts, which are four,’ is the 7 with an arrow going up & the ‘4’ beasts placed high on top of the 7.
‘are four kings’ is the crown, to represent ‘kings,’ on the top of the 7 with the ‘4’ arrows pointing to the crown. ‘kings’ is written in the Daniel icon parchment paper to think also that ‘kings’ make laws & decrees.
For verse :17 a royal blue ‘1’ is made connecting the Lion & Leopard ‘L’s & a royal blue ‘7’ is made connecting the ‘B’ & ‘D’ lines of the Bear & Dreadful.
Since it is such a mystery who ‘the beast’ is, this verse lets us know that it has to be some kind of ruler or leader of some people.
Daniel 7:23
‘The 4th’ is the small black 4 next to the word Dreadful.
’beast’ is the 4th beast placed in the 4th position on top of the 7.
‘shall be the fourth kingdom’ you can think the crown at the top of the 7 for the crown the king of a ’kingdom’ wears & ’kingdom’ is written in the Daniel icon parchment paper for the laws & decrees that the people have to obey in that king’s ’kingdom.’
‘upon earth’ is the 4th beast drawn standing ’upon the earth.’
‘which shall be diverse’ is represented with the bottom of the 7 coming from the 4th kingdom like it is being ’divided.’ ’Diverse’ actually means changed, so you can think that this kingdom will come down in history changing from the Roman Caesars to another Roman kingdom.
‘from all kingdoms’ is the other 3 kingdoms at the top of the 7.
‘& shall devour the whole earth’ is portrayed with a piece of earth in the 4th kingdom’s mouth.
‘& treading it down’ is his feet drawn ’treading’ the earth down.
‘& break it in pieces’ is an earth drawn ’breaking’ into pieces.
For verse :23 a royal blue ‘2’ is drawn around the whole earth & a royal blue ‘3’ is drawn around the earth broken in pieces.
You can think of the earth breaking in pieces in the 7th last plague, when the great earthquake breaks the earth, that the diverse 4th kingdom inadvertently causes, by the lamb-like beast enforcing the 4th beast’s mark upon the whole world.
Daniel 4:32
‘and 7 times shall pass over’ is the ‘7’ wrist watches for ‘times’ drawn ‘passing over’ the tree with the ‘7’ suns representing years for ‘times’ under them, to recognize that a ‘time’ equals a year.
‘thee’ is the tree representing Nebuchadnezzar that God was going to cut down if he did not overcome his pride. The sword made out of the bottom horizontal line of the 4 is drawn to represent him being cut down & left with a band of iron & brass till 7 times pass over him. ‘7 times’ also you can think of as the bottom of the 4 making a ‘7’ along with ‘times’ written in the Daniel icon parchment paper.
The cloud around the tree represents this was in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream.
In the parentheses is the fact that the historian Josephus says Nebuchadnezzar did not rule 7 years.
At the bottom right of the page, a small 4 is made with a wristwatch at the top left & the left side of the 4 is made into a 1 for 1 time. A sun is drawn on the top right with the right side of the 4 made into a 1 for 1 year to remember Daniel 4 is where we know 1 time equals 1 year.
For verse :32 a royal blue ‘3’ is drawn outlining the top right side of the tree & a royal blue ‘2’ is drawn outlining the right side of the cloud.
So, history shows the definition of the term 'time' in the Bible is referring to a year since the 7 times are the 7 years Nebuchadnezzar did not rule that ‘passed over’ him.
When the Daniel 4, 1 time equals 1 year principle is applied to the people given into the hands of the 4th beast in Daniel 7, it goes like this:
‘a time’ = 1 year = 360 days
So ‘a time’ = 360 days
and ‘times’ = 2 years = 720 days
So that is 3 years = 1080 days‘
and the dividing of time’ is 1/2 a year, which is 180 days.
Then add them together, 1080 + 180 = 1260 days
they are given into his hand.
Now let’s look at God’s prophecy principle for the 1260 days.


Ezekiel 4:6
‘I have appointed’ is illustrated with the bottom & left side of a 4 made into a white sleeved arm & hand 'pointing' to the top sun to represent God ‘appointing.’
'thee’ is denoted with the Ezekiel icon wheel in the middle of a wheel for Ezekiel because God is telling Ezekiel this.
‘each day’ is the sun at the top left.
‘for a year’ is the bigger sun at the top right. You can think that the 4 is in the Ezekiel cart like it is carrying & proclaiming to everyone, ‘I have appointed thee each day for a year’ in Bible prophecy.
The 2 sides of the 4 are made into 1’s & with the bottom line going across you can also think of for an equal sign to say 1 day = 1 year, for the verse phrase ‘each day for a year.’
You can correlate Ezekiel 4 with Daniel 4, that both are in chapter 4’s & talk about time, days, & years & that the sun was made on day 4.
For verse :6 a royal blue ‘6’ is drawn with the big sun
at the bottom of the 6.
Since the 1260 days of the 4th beast is prophetic,
we need to apply it to the Ezekiel principle
that 1 day = 1 year
so 1260 days = 1260 years
that the people were given into the 4th beasts hand.


Revelation 12:17
‘And the dragon’ is illustrated with a ‘dragon’ made out of a 1.
‘was wroth’ is the dragon’s arms extended out to get the woman. The Revelation icon is between them to symbolize the ‘R’ for the ‘r’ in ‘wroth.’
‘with the woman’ is the pure ‘woman’ of revelation 12 that is clothed with the sun, wearing a crown of 12 stars, & standing on the moon drawn in a 2.
‘& went to make war’ is the 1 below the woman made into a sword.
‘with the remnant’ is again, the Revelation icon ‘R’ for ‘remnant’ & that they are jewels.
‘of her seed’ is the moon that the woman is standing on because it kind of looks like a ‘seed’ that you can think of as ‘her seed.’
‘which keep the commandments of God’ is portrayed with the top of the 2 with an arm holding on to & ‘keeping the 10 commandments of God.’
‘& have the testimony of Jesus Christ’ is illustrated with the bottom of the 2 made into a caption sign with ‘Jesus Christ’ giving His ‘testimony,’ which is the spirit of prophecy defined in Revelation 19:10 telling us the future of what is going to happen in the end. 12 is written in parentheses because ’12’ & ‘testimony’ start with a ’t’ to remember Revelation ’12’ is where the Bible says ‘testimony’ of Jesus Christ with the ’t’s.
For verse :17 a royal blue ‘1’ is made on the sword & the top of a royal blue ‘7’ is made going across the arm down to the bottom of the 2 with the testimony of Jesus Christ.
Revelation 14:12
‘Here is the patience’ is the 4 with the person in the bed as a ‘patient' to think of ‘patience,’ because they sound similar.
‘of the saints’ is the man made out of a 1 that you can think of as a ‘saint’ to take care of the patient.
‘here are they’ is the Revelation ‘R’ icon is for the word ‘are’ & the man again for ‘they.’
‘that keep the commandments of God’ is the man with his arm out ‘keeping the commandments’ drawn in the 4.
‘& the faith of Jesus’ you can think is the cross of ‘Jesus’ drawn at the bottom of the 4 that the man is also holding. 14 is written in parentheses because ‘14’ & ‘faith’ start with an ‘f’ to remember Revelation ‘14' is where the Bible says the ‘faith’ of Jesus with the ‘f’s.
For verse :12 a royal blue ‘1’ is made on the 2nd man & a royal blue ‘2’ is drawn going around the 2nd table.
Revelation 22:14
‘Blessed are they’ is represented with the cloud at the top of a 2 with God’s arm coming down to ‘bless’ the face of the person drawn in the bottom of the 2. The Revelation icon ‘R’ you can think of for the word ‘are.’ ‘that do his commandments’ is the 2 made into a person’s arm holding & ‘doing His commandments’ at the top of the 2.
‘that they may have right to the tree of life’ is denoted with the Revelation icon jewels for ‘they’ & the Revelation icon ‘R’ for ‘right’ by the ‘tree of life’ which is made into the top of a 2 & the river at the bottom of the 2 with the ‘tree of life’ on the other side of the river, connecting at the top. You can also think of this 2 as making a capital ‘L’ for the tree of ‘Life.’
‘& may enter in through the gates into the city’ is illustrated with a ‘city’ drawn in a 2 with the ‘gates’ drawn really large to remember that ‘gates’ is said before ‘city.’
For verse :14 a royal blue ‘1’ is made on the left side of the commandments & a royal blue ‘4’ is made out of the inside of the tree on either side of the river & the river.
Matthew 19:17
‘if thou’ is denoted with the man made into a 1.
‘wilt enter’ is his foot stepping up, like he is going into the cloud.
'into life’ is the cloud with the Matthew icon crown representing heaven & eternal ‘life’ where King Jesus is. You can also think the legs & arms are moving like they are ‘alive’ to also represent ‘life.’
‘keep the commandments’ is illustrated with the man ‘keeping the 10 commandments’ by holding on to a rope made into a 9 that has ‘the commandments’ in it.
For verse :17 a royal blue ‘1’ is drawn on the left side of the commandments & a royal blue ‘7’ is drawn on the top & right side of the commandments.
We know Jesus was referring to the 10 ‘commandments’ because Mathew 19 continues with Jesus quoting 5 of the 10 ‘commandments.’ God says without me ye can do nothing, but with God all things are possible. So, we have the precious promise that with God, we can perform ‘the commandments.’
Mark 2:27
This verse is written in what is called a ‘chiasm,’ making a mirror effect:
Sabbath, man, man, Sabbath
‘the sabbath’ is represented with the 7th day written at the top of a 2.
‘was made’ is the pair of hands drawn in a 2 because we ‘make’ things with our hands.
‘for man’ is a man resting with his head on a rock at the bottom of the 2 drawn on the Mark icon towel that you can think of as resting on a white blanket, since sabbath means rest.
‘& not’ is indicated with a ‘not’ sign going across the picture on the right.
‘man for the sabbath’ is the same picture tilted to the right so you see & say ‘man’ first & then the ‘sabbath,’ going from left to right.
And the whole verse is put together making an inverse chiasm picture, starting at the left with the ‘sabbath’ at the top, going down to the ‘man,’ then over to the ‘man’ & backup to the ‘sabbath’ at the top.
For verse :27 a royal blue ‘2’ is made on the top left of the 2nd Mark icon towel & a royal blue ‘7’ is made on the 2nd 7th day sabbath 7.
Mark is written as God being a servant & God likes to serve us with good things & the ‘sabbath’ is example of a good thing God ‘made for man.’


Genesis 2:2
‘And on the 7th day’ is the 7th day written at the top of a 2 that is ‘on’ the sun at the bottom of the 2 to represent ‘day.’
‘God ended’ is the man for ‘God’ & the stop sign at the top of the next 2 symbolizing God 'ending' or stopping.
‘his work’ is the hammer at the bottom of the 2.
‘which he had made’ is portrayed with a cloud & arm at the top of the 2 & the Genesis icon heaven & earth at the bottom of the 2 for what God just finished ‘making’ in Genesis chapter 1, the 6 days of creation heaven & earth.
‘& he rested’ is illustrated with a man, representing God, sitting in a chair drawn in a 2.
‘on the 7th day’ is again the 7th day written at the top of a 2 that is ‘on’ the sun at the bottom.
‘from all’ is the arrow going from the work hammer & the ‘a’ for ‘all’ that is blue & green for the heaven & the earth.
‘his work’ is the work hammer at the bottom of the 2.
‘which he had made’ is the same picture like above for the same words.
To emphasize this is Genesis 2:2 & that it has many doubles, ‘2’ royal blue 2’s are made on both of the end 2’s with the arm & cloud at the top of the 2’s & the Genesis icon at the bottom the 2’s, for verse :2.
According to the Bible, God gives us the history of what happened in the beginning with the 1st full week of history in Genesis 1 & 2. To change the 7th day rest day would be to change history.
Genesis 2:3
‘And God blessed the 7th day’ is portrayed with a cloud at the top of a 2 with an arm above the 7th day picture to show that God is ‘blessing’ it.
‘& sanctified’ is demonstrated with the Genesis icon blue heaven line making a sideways ‘s’ for ‘sanctified’ & reflecting the idea that 7th day is ‘sanctified’ & special & holy, & happy, like heaven is.
‘it’ is the 7th day made a very light color to represent that ‘it’ is referring to the 7th day.
‘because’ is symbolized with a ‘bee’ for the beginning sound of ‘because.’
‘that in it’ is the bee drawn ‘in’ 7th day again made a very light color to represent that ‘it’ is referring to the 7th day.
‘he had rested’ is a man, for God, sitting in a chair made out of a 2.
‘from all’ is the arrow going ‘from’ the work hammer at the top of the next 2 & the blue & green ‘a’ for the colors of heaven & earth, for ‘all.’
‘his work’ is the hammer at the bottom of the 2.
‘which God created’ is the man for ‘God’ & the 2 hands, because we ‘create’ things with our hands. The hands are drawn with backwards c’s around each hand also to think of for the ‘c’ in ‘created.’
‘and made’ is God’s arm in the top of the next 2 & the Genesis icon in the bottom of the 2.
For verse :3 a royal blue 3 is made on the outline of the hands creating.
If God were to make a change of this day, He would have to stop the blessing of the ‘7th day’ & also the sacredness & honor of the ‘7th day,’ & then declare that He had blessed a different day & also have sanctified it, the day He did it, according to God’s way of dealing with His creation & recording His history. The scriptures do not record this happening. The ‘7th day’ is that sweet, delightful, & happy day of the week, Saturday, that almost everyone likes it when they do not have to work that day.
John 1:10
‘He’ is displayed with a man made into a 1 to represent Jesus.
‘was in the world’ is the arrow pointing to the 'world' that Jesus was ‘in.’
‘& the world was made by him’ is shown with the John icon of God’s hands 'making the world’ with Jesus beside it also ‘making the world' drawn in a 1 again.
‘& the world knew him not’ is shown with a ‘world’ & thought bubbles going up to the thought of Jesus & the ‘not sign' across it, also making the shape of a 1 for chapter 1 to indicate that the ‘world did not know Him.’
For verse :10 a royal blue ‘1’ is made on the man representing Jesus like he is making the world & a royal blue ‘0’ on the world on the right of him. Another 10 is made out of the thought bubble with the not sign made into a 1 & the thought bubble made into a 0.
This tells us that the ‘world’ was actually ‘made’ by Jesus. Jesus is God like His Father is God & can create & ‘make’ things out of nothing, just like His Father can.