U-Z Individuals


Say questions

Revelation 17:15 Say questionRevelation 17:15 Say question
Revelation 17:4 Say questionRevelation 17:4 Say question
Revelation 13:3 Say questionRevelation 13:3 Say question


Revelation 17:15 ExplanationRevelation 17:15 Explanation
Revelation 17:4 ExplanationRevelation 17:4 Explanation
Revelation 13:3 ExplanationRevelation 13:3 Explanation
12 Identifiers of the Beast Explanation12 Identifiers of the Beast Explanation

Say 3 times

Revelation 17:15 Say 3 timesRevelation 17:15 Say 3 times
Revelation 17:4 Say 3 timesRevelation 17:4 Say 3 times
Revelation 13:3 Say 3 timesRevelation 13:3 Say 3 times
12 Identifiers of the Beast Say 3 times12 Identifiers of the Beast Say 3 times

Say 2 times

Revelation 17:15 Say 2 timesRevelation 17:15 Say 2 times
Revelation 17:4 Say 2 timesRevelation 17:4 Say 2 times
Revelation 13:3 Say 2 timesRevelation 13:3 Say 2 times
12 Identifiers of the Beast Say 2 times12 Identifiers of the Beast Say 2 times

Say 1st words

Revelation 17:15 Say 1st wordsRevelation 17:15 Say 1st words
Revelation 17:4 Say 1st wordsRevelation 17:4 Say 1st words
Revelation 13:3 Say 1st wordsRevelation 13:3 Say 1st words



Say questions

Revelation 13:11 Say questionRevelation 13:11 Say question
Revelation 13:12 Say questionRevelation 13:12 Say question
Revelation 13:13 Say questionRevelation 13:13 Say question
Revelation 13:14 Say questionRevelation 13:14 Say question
Revelation 13:15 Say questionRevelation 13:15 Say question


Revelation 13:11 ExplanationRevelation 13:11 Explanation
Revelation 13:12 ExplanationRevelation 13:12 Explanation
Revelation 13:13 ExplanationRevelation 13:13 Explanation
Revelation 13:14 ExplanationRevelation 13:14 Explanation
Revelation 13:15 ExplanationRevelation 13:15 Explanation

Say 3 times

Revelation 13:11 Say 3 timesRevelation 13:11 Say 3 times
Revelation 13:12 Say 3 timesRevelation 13:12 Say 3 times
Revelation 13:13 Say 3 timesRevelation 13:13 Say 3 times
Revelation 13:14 Say 3 timesRevelation 13:14 Say 3 times
Revelation 13:15 Say 3 timesRevelation 13:15 Say 3 times

Say 2 times

Revelation 13:11 Say 2 timesRevelation 13:11 Say 2 times
Revelation 13:12 Say 2 timesRevelation 13:12 Say 2 times
Revelation 13:13 Say 2 timesRevelation 13:13 Say 2 times
Revelation 13:14 Say 2 timesRevelation 13:14 Say 2 times
Revelation 13:15 Say 2 timesRevelation 13:15 Say 2 times

Say 1st words

Revelation 13:11 Say 1st wordsRevelation 13:11 Say 1st words
Revelation 13:12 Say 1st wordsRevelation 13:12 Say 1st words
Revelation 13:13 Say 1st wordsRevelation 13:13 Say 1st words
Revelation 13:14 Say 1st wordsRevelation 13:14 Say 1st words


Revelation 13:15 Say 1st wordsRevelation 13:15 Say 1st words


Say questions

Revelation 13:16 Say questionRevelation 13:16 Say question
Revelation 13:17 Say questionRevelation 13:17 Say question
Revelation 13:18 Say questionRevelation 13:18 Say question
Revelation 18:4 Say questionRevelation 18:4 Say question


Revelation 13:16 ExplanationRevelation 13:16 Explanation
Revelation 13:17 ExplanationRevelation 13:17 Explanation
Revelation 13:18 ExplanationRevelation 13:18 Explanation
Revelation 18:4 ExplanationRevelation 18:4 Explanation
7 Last Plagues Explanation7 Last Plagues Explanation

Say 3 times

Revelation 13:16 Say 3 timesRevelation 13:16 Say 3 times
Revelation 13:17 Say 3 timesRevelation 13:17 Say 3 times
Revelation 13:18 Say 3 timesRevelation 13:18 Say 3 times
Revelation 18:4 Say 3 timesRevelation 18:4 Say 3 times
7 Last Plagues Say 3 times7 Last Plagues Say 3 times

Say 2 times

Revelation 13:16 Say 2 timesRevelation 13:16 Say 2 times
Revelation 13:17 Say 2 timesRevelation 13:17 Say 2 times
Revelation 13:18 Say 2 timesRevelation 13:18 Say 2 times
Revelation 18:4 Say 2 timesRevelation 18:4 Say 2 times
7 Last Plagues Say 2 times7 Last Plagues Say 2 times

Say 1st words

Revelation 13:16 Say 1st wordsRevelation 13:16 Say 1st words
Revelation 13:17 Say 1st wordsRevelation 13:17 Say 1st words
Revelation 13:18 Say 1st wordsRevelation 13:18 Say 1st words
Revelation 18:4 Say 1st wordsRevelation 18:4 Say 1st words



Say questions

1 John 3:4 Say question1 John 3:4 Say question
Genesis 4:7 Say questionGenesis 4:7 Say question
Romans 3:31 Say questionRomans 3:31 Say question
Romans 6:15 Say questionRomans 6:15 Say question
Matthew 7:14 Say questionMatthew 7:14 Say question


1 John 3:4 Explanation1 John 3:4 Explanation
Genesis 4:7 ExplanationGenesis 4:7 Explanation
Romans 3:31 ExplanationRomans 3:31 Explanation
Romans 6:15 ExplanationRomans 6:15 Explanation
Matthew 7:14 ExplanationMatthew 7:14 Explanation

Say 3 times

1 John 3:4 Say 3 times1 John 3:4 Say 3 times
Genesis 4:7 Say 3 timesGenesis 4:7 Say 3 times
Romans 3:31 Say 3 timesRomans 3:31 Say 3 times
Romans 6:15 Say 3 timesRomans 6:15 Say 3 times
Matthew 7:14 Say 3 timesMatthew 7:14 Say 3 times

Say 2 times

1 John 3:4 Say 2 times1 John 3:4 Say 2 times
Genesis 4:7 Say 2 timesGenesis 4:7 Say 2 times
Romans 3:31 Say 2 timesRomans 3:31 Say 2 times
Romans 6:15 Say 2 timesRomans 6:15 Say 2 times
Matthew 7:14 Say 2 timesMatthew 7:14 Say 2 times

Say 1st words

1 John 3:4 Say 1st words1 John 3:4 Say 1st words
Genesis 4:7 Say 1st wordsGenesis 4:7 Say 1st words
Romans 3:31 Say 1st wordsRomans 3:31 Say 1st words
Romans 6:15 Say 1st wordsRomans 6:15 Say 1st words


Matthew 7:14 Say 1st wordsMatthew 7:14 Say 1st words


Say questions

Exodus 23:2 Say questionExodus 23:2 Say question
Romans 6:4 Say questionRomans 6:4 Say question
Matthew 7:21 Say questionMatthew 7:21 Say question
Matthew 7:22 Say questionMatthew 7:22 Say question
Matthew 7:23 Say questionMatthew 7:23 Say question


Exodus 23:2 ExplanationExodus 23:2 Explanation
Romans 6:4 ExplanationRomans 6:4 Explanation
Matthew 7:21 ExplanationMatthew 7:21 Explanation
Matthew 7:22 ExplanationMatthew 7:22 Explanation
Matthew 7:23 ExplanationMatthew 7:23 Explanation

Say 3 times

Exodus 23:2 Say 3 timesExodus 23:2 Say 3 times
Romans 6:4 Say 3 timesRomans 6:4 Say 3 times
Matthew 7:21 Say 3 timesMatthew 7:21 Say 3 times
Matthew 7:22 Say 3 timesMatthew 7:22 Say 3 times
Matthew 7:23 Say 3 timesMatthew 7:23 Say 3 times

Say 2 times

Exodus 23:2 Say 2 timesExodus 23:2 Say 2 times
Romans 6:4 Say 2 timesRomans 6:4 Say 2 times
Matthew 7:21 Say 2 timesMatthew 7:21 Say 2 times
Matthew 7:22 Say 2 timesMatthew 7:22 Say 2 times
Matthew 7:23 Say 2 timesMatthew 7:23 Say 2 times

Say 1st words

Exodus 23:2 Say 1st wordsExodus 23:2 Say 1st words
Romans 6:4 Say 1st wordsRomans 6:4 Say 1st words
Matthew 7:21 Say 1st wordsMatthew 7:21 Say 1st words
Matthew 7:22 Say 1st wordsMatthew 7:22 Say 1st words


Matthew 7:23 Say 1st wordsMatthew 7:23 Say 1st words


Say questions

Acts 5:29 Say questionActs 5:29 Say question
1 Samuel 2:30 Say question1 Samuel 2:30 Say question


Acts 5:29 ExplanationActs 5:29 Explanation
1 Samuel 2:30 Explanation1 Samuel 2:30 Explanation
3 Angels' Messages Explanation3 Angels' Messages Explanation

Say 3 times

Acts 5:29 Say 3 timesActs 5:29 Say 3 times
1 Samuel 2:30 Say 3 times1 Samuel 2:30 Say 3 times
3 Angels' Messages Say 3 times3 Angels' Messages Say 3 times

Say 2 times

Acts 5:29 Say 2 timesActs 5:29 Say 2 times
1 Samuel 2:30 Say 2 times1 Samuel 2:30 Say 2 times
3 Angels' Messages Say 2 times3 Angels' Messages Say 2 times

Say 1st words

Acts 5:29 Say 1st wordsActs 5:29 Say 1st words
1 Samuel 2:30 Say 1st words1 Samuel 2:30 Say 1st words
