Scripture Text Review with Question


Can we trust the Bible to be the words of God? (holy men of God)Can we trust the Bible to be the words of God? (holy men of God)
Should we use our own interpretation or historical evidence to understand prophecy? (no prophecy)Should we use our own interpretation or historical evidence to understand prophecy? (no prophecy)
How do we learn and understand Bible principles and doctrines? (precept upon precept)How do we learn and understand Bible principles and doctrines? (precept upon precept)
How should we test all religious teachings and doctrines? (To the law)How should we test all religious teachings and doctrines? (To the law)
Will God's law ever pass away? (easier)Will God's law ever pass away? (easier)


Will God alter words that come out of His lips? (nor alter)Will God alter words that come out of His lips? (nor alter)
What was God’s covenant? (to perform)What was God’s covenant? (to perform)
Did the 10 commandments come out of God’s lips that He can not alter? (God spake)Did the 10 commandments come out of God’s lips that He can not alter? (God spake)
Does God say He can change? (change not)Does God say He can change? (change not)
Will God ever change His opinion about His commandments? (stand fast)Will God ever change His opinion about His commandments? (stand fast)

1st Angel


What is the new covenant God makes with His people? (put my laws)What is the new covenant God makes with His people? (put my laws)
Will the 7th day Sabbath of the 4th commandment still be kept in heaven? (1 sabbath)Will the 7th day Sabbath of the 4th commandment still be kept in heaven? (1 sabbath)
Did God warn us that someone would try to change His times & laws? (think to change)Did God warn us that someone would try to change His times & laws? (think to change)
How do we know that beasts can represent kings? (are 4 kings)How do we know that beasts can represent kings? (are 4 kings)
How do we know that beasts can represent kingdoms? (4th kingdom)How do we know that beasts can represent kingdoms? (4th kingdom)


Does a time equal a year in Bible prophecy? (7 times)Does a time equal a year in Bible prophecy? (7 times)
Does a day equal a year in Bible prophecy? (appointed)Does a day equal a year in Bible prophecy? (appointed)
How does the devil feel about the people that keep the commandments of God? (with the woman)How does the devil feel about the people that keep the commandments of God? (with the woman)
Will God’s people be keeping the commandments of God that do not take the mark of the beast? (faith)Will God’s people be keeping the commandments of God that do not take the mark of the beast? (faith)
Will the people who enter heaven keep God’s commandments? (may have right)Will the people who enter heaven keep God’s commandments? (may have right)


What did Jesus say was the requirement to enter into heaven? (enter into life)What did Jesus say was the requirement to enter into heaven? (enter into life)
Who does Jesus say the Sabbath was made for, the Jews only or for all mankind? (made for man)Who does Jesus say the Sabbath was made for, the Jews only or for all mankind? (made for man)
What did God do on the 7th day after He created everything in 6 days? (God ended)What did God do on the 7th day after He created everything in 6 days? (God ended)
Did God bless and make the 7th day an honourable and sacred day? (And God blessed)Did God bless and make the 7th day an honourable and sacred day? (And God blessed)
Did Jesus make the world? (made by him)Did Jesus make the world? (made by him)


What day does God say is His Sabbath? (sabbath of the Lord)What day does God say is His Sabbath? (sabbath of the Lord)
What ordinances were nailed to Jesus’ cross, labeling Him the sacrifice that satisfies our requireWhat ordinances were nailed to Jesus’ cross, labeling Him the sacrifice that satisfies our require
Where is Jesus the burnt offering altar lamb?Where is Jesus the burnt offering altar lamb?
Where is Jesus the temple?Where is Jesus the temple?
Where is Jesus the laver of water?Where is Jesus the laver of water?


Where is Jesus the table of shew bread?Where is Jesus the table of shew bread?
Where is Jesus the candlestick light?Where is Jesus the candlestick light?
Where is Jesus the door?Where is Jesus the door?
Where is Jesus the veil?Where is Jesus the veil?
Where is Jesus the high priest?Where is Jesus the high priest?


Where is Jesus the Passover?Where is Jesus the Passover?
Where is Jesus the Feast of Unleavened Bread?Where is Jesus the Feast of Unleavened Bread?
Where is Jesus the 1st Fruits?Where is Jesus the 1st Fruits?
Where is Jesus the Feast of Pentecost?Where is Jesus the Feast of Pentecost?
What laws did the crucifixion of Jesus abolish for us to do & given to Jesus to do? (abolished in What laws did the crucifixion of Jesus abolish for us to do & given to Jesus to do? (abolished in


What is the whole duty of man? (whole duty)What is the whole duty of man? (whole duty)
Did God give Moses & the people a reason for keeping the 7th day Sabbath? (hallowed)Did God give Moses & the people a reason for keeping the 7th day Sabbath? (hallowed)
Was Jesus our mediator between God and man, even in the Old Testament? (Rock was Christ)Was Jesus our mediator between God and man, even in the Old Testament? (Rock was Christ)
Is the 7th day Sabbath the commandment of Jesus also? (same yesterday)Is the 7th day Sabbath the commandment of Jesus also? (same yesterday)
Who did Moses say the “Rock” is? (He is the Rock)Who did Moses say the “Rock” is? (He is the Rock)


Did Peter say all of God’s people are stones? (lively stones)Did Peter say all of God’s people are stones? (lively stones)
Did Peter say Jesus was the stone that the church would be built upon? (lay in Sion) Did Peter say Jesus was the stone that the church would be built upon? (lay in Sion)
Did Jesus teach His disciples to keep the Sabbath according to the commandment & they obeyed it?Did Jesus teach His disciples to keep the Sabbath according to the commandment & they obeyed it?
Does the New Testament refer to the 7th day as God’s day of rest? (certain place)Does the New Testament refer to the 7th day as God’s day of rest? (certain place)
Does the Bible say if Jesus would have fulfilled the Sabbath rest that he would have given usDoes the Bible say if Jesus would have fulfilled the Sabbath rest that he would have given us


Does the Bible say that there is still the 7th day Sabbath rest for the people of God to keep?Does the Bible say that there is still the 7th day Sabbath rest for the people of God to keep?
Does the Bible say a true Christian will keep the 7th day Sabbath & rest on it like God did?Does the Bible say a true Christian will keep the 7th day Sabbath & rest on it like God did?
Did the Gentiles keep the 7th day Sabbath & honour it with Paul? (next sabbath)Did the Gentiles keep the 7th day Sabbath & honour it with Paul? (next sabbath)
Was it the evening or the morning of the 1st day that Paul ate supper with his disciples & preachedWas it the evening or the morning of the 1st day that Paul ate supper with his disciples & preached
Is breaking bread the communion service or a term that was used for daily eating of food?Is breaking bread the communion service or a term that was used for daily eating of food?


When does the Sabbath begin and end? (even unto even)When does the Sabbath begin and end? (even unto even)
When is the “even” of the day? (sun did set)When is the “even” of the day? (sun did set)
Did Paul tell the Corinthians to work on the 1st day of the week? (in store)Did Paul tell the Corinthians to work on the 1st day of the week? (in store)
How long is something blessed when God blesses it? (thou blessest)How long is something blessed when God blesses it? (thou blessest)
What day is the Lord’s day? (turn away)What day is the Lord’s day? (turn away)


What sign is the identifying mark God gives His people? (refreshed)What sign is the identifying mark God gives His people? (refreshed)
1,000 years after Moses, what sign does God say is still the identifying mark between God & His1,000 years after Moses, what sign does God say is still the identifying mark between God & His
What will God do before the 7 last plagues are poured out on the earth? (hurt not)What will God do before the 7 last plagues are poured out on the earth? (hurt not)
What will God’s disciples have as their mark & seal? (Bind up)What will God’s disciples have as their mark & seal? (Bind up)
Does God set a mark upon the foreheads of those who are grieved over wickedness? (that sigh & thatDoes God set a mark upon the foreheads of those who are grieved over wickedness? (that sigh & that


What is the 1st part of the 1st angel’s message in Revelation 14? (everlasting gospel)What is the 1st part of the 1st angel’s message in Revelation 14? (everlasting gospel)
What is the 2nd part of the 1st angel’s message in Revelation 14? (his judgment)What is the 2nd part of the 1st angel’s message in Revelation 14? (his judgment)
Where does the Bible talk about the fountains in the beginning of the Bible? (the fountains)Where does the Bible talk about the fountains in the beginning of the Bible? (the fountains)
What is the 2nd angel’s message in Revelation 14? (is fallen, is fallen)What is the 2nd angel’s message in Revelation 14? (is fallen, is fallen)
Do the dead know or remember anything? (not any thing) Do the dead know or remember anything? (not any thing)

2nd Angel


Can the dead love or hate or do anything on earth? (now perished)Can the dead love or hate or do anything on earth? (now perished)
How does the Bible refer to death? (fell asleep)How does the Bible refer to death? (fell asleep)
Does the Bible say David is asleep or in heaven? (not ascended)Does the Bible say David is asleep or in heaven? (not ascended)
What will the voice of the Son of God do to the sleeping dead? (resurrection)What will the voice of the Son of God do to the sleeping dead? (resurrection)
When Jesus comes back, will it be quiet or will His voice wake the dead? (with a shout) When Jesus comes back, will it be quiet or will His voice wake the dead? (with a shout)


When Jesus comes back to wake the dead, will it be in secret or obviously dazzling & spectacular? When Jesus comes back to wake the dead, will it be in secret or obviously dazzling & spectacular?
When Jesus comes back to wake the righteous dead, will it be in secret or obviously radiant?When Jesus comes back to wake the righteous dead, will it be in secret or obviously radiant?
Do the righteous dead have immortality now? (raised incorruptible)Do the righteous dead have immortality now? (raised incorruptible)
Who only has immortality? (who only)Who only has immortality? (who only)
What are other names for the dragon & who does he deceive? (deceiveth the whole)What are other names for the dragon & who does he deceive? (deceiveth the whole)


Can the devils work miracles in the last days? (devils, working miracles)Can the devils work miracles in the last days? (devils, working miracles)
Can Satan transform himself to look like & talk like the dead? (is transformed)Can Satan transform himself to look like & talk like the dead? (is transformed)
What 2 choices does God give in the Old Testament? (life & good)What 2 choices does God give in the Old Testament? (life & good)
What 2 choices does God give in the New Testament? (wages of sin)What 2 choices does God give in the New Testament? (wages of sin)
After Jesus resurrects the righteous dead when he comes, what happens to the unrighteous dead?After Jesus resurrects the righteous dead when he comes, what happens to the unrighteous dead?


After the 1000 years what will happen to the unrighteous after they are resurrected on this earth?After the 1000 years what will happen to the unrighteous after they are resurrected on this earth?
What is the fire & final death called? (2nd death)What is the fire & final death called? (2nd death)
Who was the fire prepared for, so we know the devil is not in charge of it? (prepared for the devil)Who was the fire prepared for, so we know the devil is not in charge of it? (prepared for the devil)
How long was for ever for a servant that loved his master? (ear)How long was for ever for a servant that loved his master? (ear)
How long was for ever for Samuel? (as long)How long was for ever for Samuel? (as long)


What is a soul? (breath of life)What is a soul? (breath of life)
Does a soul that has sinned die? (it shall die)Does a soul that has sinned die? (it shall die)
Can a soul be destroyed in hell? (soul & body)Can a soul be destroyed in hell? (soul & body)
Are fish also considered souls that can die? (in the sea)Are fish also considered souls that can die? (in the sea)
Is speaking in tongues a known language? (own language)Is speaking in tongues a known language? (own language)
How long was for ever for Jonah? (bars)How long was for ever for Jonah? (bars)
What does the Bible say eternal fire is? (Sodom & Gomorrha)What does the Bible say eternal fire is? (Sodom & Gomorrha)
Should everyone be speaking in tongues, since not all are given the gift of tongues? (to another)Should everyone be speaking in tongues, since not all are given the gift of tongues? (to another)
What is the 1st part of the 3rd angel’s message? (3rd angel)What is the 1st part of the 3rd angel’s message? (3rd angel)

3rd Angel


What is the 2nd part of the 3rd angel’s message? (tormented)What is the 2nd part of the 3rd angel’s message? (tormented)
What is the 3rd part of the 3rd angel’s message? (the smoke)What is the 3rd part of the 3rd angel’s message? (the smoke)
Does the beast rise out of water and have horns? (out of the sea)Does the beast rise out of water and have horns? (out of the sea)
Do horns in Bible prophecy represent kings? (10 kings)Do horns in Bible prophecy represent kings? (10 kings)


Did John see a woman sitting on water? (many waters)Did John see a woman sitting on water? (many waters)
Does a woman represent a church in Bible prophecy? (comely)Does a woman represent a church in Bible prophecy? (comely)
Is the woman a great city? (that great city)Is the woman a great city? (that great city)
What is written on the woman’s forehead? (The Mother)What is written on the woman’s forehead? (The Mother)


Do the 7 heads that the woman is sitting on represent mountains? (7 mountains)Do the 7 heads that the woman is sitting on represent mountains? (7 mountains)
What did the beast do to the saints? (make war)What did the beast do to the saints? (make war)
What did the woman do to the saints? (blood)What did the woman do to the saints? (blood)
How long did the beast continue its power? (40 & 2 months)How long did the beast continue its power? (40 & 2 months)


Do waters in Bible prophecy represent multitudes & nations? (nations)Do waters in Bible prophecy represent multitudes & nations? (nations)
What are the items the mother church wears? (purple & scarlet)What are the items the mother church wears? (purple & scarlet)
Does the beast receive a deadly wound that heals & then all the world wonders after him? (wounded)Does the beast receive a deadly wound that heals & then all the world wonders after him? (wounded)
What are  the 12 identifiers  of the Beast? (3 C’s, 3 M’s, 6 W’s)What are  the 12 identifiers  of the Beast? (3 C’s, 3 M’s, 6 W’s)


Does another beast come out of the earth & have 2 horns like a lamb? (like a lamb)Does another beast come out of the earth & have 2 horns like a lamb? (like a lamb)
Does the 2nd beast have power to cause the people on the earth to worship the 1st beast?Does the 2nd beast have power to cause the people on the earth to worship the 1st beast?
Does the 2nd beast make fire come down from heaven? (doeth great wonders)Does the 2nd beast make fire come down from heaven? (doeth great wonders)
Does the 2nd beast tell the people on the earth that they should make an image to the 1st beast?Does the 2nd beast tell the people on the earth that they should make an image to the 1st beast?
Does the 2nd beast have power to kill those who do not worship the image of the 1st beast? (should)Does the 2nd beast have power to kill those who do not worship the image of the 1st beast? (should)


Will the 2nd beast make all people receive a mark? (causeth all)Will the 2nd beast make all people receive a mark? (causeth all)
Will people be forced into allegiance with the 1st beast in order to live? (buy or sell)Will people be forced into allegiance with the 1st beast in order to live? (buy or sell)
What is the number of the beast which is not “the mark” of the beast? (Six)What is the number of the beast which is not “the mark” of the beast? (Six)
What is the final message from God to His people in the mother & her daughter churches? (Come out)What is the final message from God to His people in the mother & her daughter churches? (Come out)
What are the 7 last plagues & where are they in the Bible?What are the 7 last plagues & where are they in the Bible?


What is sin, so that we can avoid it? (transgression)What is sin, so that we can avoid it? (transgression)
Was man accountable to obey God's law in the beginning? (sin lieth)Was man accountable to obey God's law in the beginning? (sin lieth)
After Jesus forgives our sins, should we then ignore the law or firmly obey it? (establish the lawAfter Jesus forgives our sins, should we then ignore the law or firmly obey it? (establish the law
Because we are not under the penalty of death, but under grace, should we continue to sin? (under Because we are not under the penalty of death, but under grace, should we continue to sin? (under
How many does Jesus say will find the way to eternal life? (few there be)How many does Jesus say will find the way to eternal life? (few there be)


Should we follow the world in breaking God’s law? (multitude)Should we follow the world in breaking God’s law? (multitude)
What should we do to honor Jesus’ death & resurrection? (walk in newness)What should we do to honor Jesus’ death & resurrection? (walk in newness)
Can we have the assurance that talking to God & even calling Him Lord will get us to heaven? (doeth)Can we have the assurance that talking to God & even calling Him Lord will get us to heaven? (doeth)
Will many who profess God’s name be able to perform powerful & inspiring miracles, yet not be God’Will many who profess God’s name be able to perform powerful & inspiring miracles, yet not be God’
What will keep professing Christians from entering heaven? (work iniquity) What will keep professing Christians from entering heaven? (work iniquity)


Did Peter say we ought to obey God rather than men? (ought to obey)Did Peter say we ought to obey God rather than men? (ought to obey)
Will God honour those with eternal life who honour His Word & not receive the mark of the beast?Will God honour those with eternal life who honour His Word & not receive the mark of the beast?
What are  the short phrases for the 3 angels’ messages?What are  the short phrases for the 3 angels’ messages?
